Thursday, November 18, 2010

week 11

A little bit on Kalamazoo.

This would be an example of a students work from a fourth grade class learning about the geography and history of Michigan. While the wording may be a little lengthy for a fourth grader, this is the general idea I have in mind!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week 10

This concept mapping would be used with students in lower elementary to describe some of their favorite places and things to do. This would be done as a whole class with the teacher controlling the web-app. This would help show students how to organize their ideas.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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This screencast is made for a research paper. This will show students how to set up a email alert system for a topic that they are researching. This tool essentially does to the researching for them. Quite a handy tool. This would also help with all future research done in the class!